by ZerOne » September 27th, 2015, 11:36 am
Removing the Steering Wheel Switches from the vehicle
Before attempting to remove the airbag from the steering wheel,
the airbag circuit should be disabled by removing the (+) Positive lead
from the battery, and waiting 2 minutes for the airbag circuit to discharge.
Using a plastic trim removal tool (Or a credit card)
unclip the trim piece surrounding the cruise control stalk switch
This will expose a T30 Torx bolt used to hold the airbag in place.
Unlcip the similar trim piece on the other side of the steering wheel
to expose the second T30 torx bolt holding the airbag in place.
Using a T30 torx bit, remove the two T30 torx bolts holding the airbag in place.
Pull the top clip upwards away from the electrical connector to release the electrical connector
lock, and remove the two electrical connectors from the airbag.
Carefully pull the horn ground cable spade connector away from the airbag,
and remove the airbag from the vehicle.
Next remove the two Phillips head screws holding the steering wheel switch assemblies in place.
With the screw removed, pull the steering wheel switch gear away from the steering wheel.
(The switch gear will also be held in place by some guide pins, and may require jiggling
the switch gear for removal.
Next, carefully cut the cable tie holding the switch gear cabling to the switch gear.
Unplug the wiring connector, and remove the switch gear from the steering wheel.
Repeat the process for the second steering wheel switch assembly.
The steering wheel switch gear should now be removed from the vehicle.
WARNING : Do not re-connect the battery at this time.
This may cause Airbag diagnostic trouble codes to be logged, requiring clearing using a TIS tool,